Photography s het area in which Dariusz Żabiński realizes his artistic ambitions, Hę not only takes but also creates exceptional pictures with his skilled, sharp eye of an artistic photographer. Today, photography is often only part of the creative process, which apart from imagination and sight also involves computer technology in creating a picture, a work of visual art. Dariusz Żabiński remained faithful to the original methods of photographic recording. He uses classic techniques of recording a picture only by means of optical phenomena. Despite this, his works do not have a classic or even archaic character. Repeatedly, the photographs presented by the author are perceived as artifacts of the modern technology of trick photography and computer processing. Most spectators are greatly surpised when they find out in which circumstances a particular picture was taken. The “secret" lies most often in the way of composing the picture, "directing" the photographed objects, using the simplest physical phenomena. The topics of Dariusz Żabiński's works have been very diversified so far. The following examples can be provided: the town of Śrem, landscape, still life, portrait, act, nature, separately animals. The artist has been much engaged in abstract compositions recently. Dariusz Żabiński's activity in the field of photography lets perceive him as an interesting phenomenon of a morę than local importance. However, what is very valuable is his rooting in the environment hę is descended from. The Śrem Museum has a representative collection of photographs of the Śrem photographer Dariusz Żabiński. In 1999, this collection (enriched with the latest works) has become the basis of organizing two temporary compositions: one in The Śrem Museum (June) and the other in the exhibition halls of The Town Library in Roznov at Radhost in the Czech Republic (September).

Mariusz Kondziela